Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Looks Real

Sometimes I wear my wig (which looks real) because it's difficult for me to grow hair. I said to this man he should get a haircut like mine.


Hellcat said...

He looks flattered!

Hellcat said...

Hey egg. There's someone behind about to shoot you. HAHHAHHAHHAAAA

Mademoiselle Princesse said...

My! I thought it was a moustache! Mwhahahahaha!

crazzy piggy said...

Ne pas écouter those females! You look just fantastic! See, there's already a paparazzi! Your coupe de cheveux will go around the world my friend!

Anonymous said...

Either the late onset of puberty or you've acquired a merkin.

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Hellcat... he was flattered, and someone shot my wig!

MadamoisellePrincesse... it might have been once, I hav'nt asked it.

CrazyPig... I like pizza and don't know where the world is.

Detlef... I had a cup of tea.