Thursday, June 19, 2008

Very Tired After Writing Song

I want you to know how tired I am after writing a song for two days, you can sing it to people...

'Tea Far Away'

see boat

with ant captain

driving about


robert and brenda

are fat cows



far tea

far tea

captain far tea ant


robert and brenda

are sailors


drive now

to go

ant and boat cow


Anonymous said...

I see you're practising 'poetry' Egghead. It makes me yawn also!

Anonymous said...

Even with a tune to it ... *toot*

G3T Films said...

I didz singzit to da peoplz, allz them, and they didz join in and singz theyz didz and applaudz plenty likez, and Iz didz bowz and theyz didz hollerz and Iz didz sayz shutzit Iz too famousz to be hollerzat zat wayz you filthyz ragamuffinz whoz dont desevrez my attentionz and they didz leavez and I ent famousz no morez. I iz sad now en Iz likely to commitz suicidez by eatn cabbagez en fartnz in a szmallishz room while singz;

far tea

far tea

captain far tea ant

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Anonymous.. I want you to know you don't know nothing about poetry or writing songs like what I do.

G3TFilms.. you can sayz thatz again.

G3T Films said...

I didz singzit to da peoplz, allz them, and they didz join in and singz theyz didz and applaudz plenty likez, and Iz didz bowz and theyz didz hollerz and Iz didz sayz shutzit Iz too famousz to be hollerzat zat wayz you filthyz ragamuffinz whoz dont desevrez my attentionz and they didz leavez and I ent famousz no morez. I iz sad now en Iz likely to commitz suicidez by eatn cabbagez en fartnz in a szmallishz room while singz;

far tea

far tea

captain far tea ant

Anonymous said...

POP you like a ZIT!

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

G3TFilms.. thank you.

Anonymous.. no.

Anonymous said...

Back to the old "CRUNCH" then!

G3T Films said...

I know that I want you to know that I realised just a moment ago that you used to go out for more than a moment and realise that you met people for a moment. Are you now embarrassed to be in a deck chair or a shell there?

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Anonymous.. *OUCH*

G3TFilms.. I want you to know no I'm not embarrassed I am about somewhere but I don't know where I know that much.

Anonymous said...

*yawn yawn*