Sunday, September 16, 2007

Thinking With Bruce

Bruce said he was thinking about thinking and what it was. I said I like thinking too, except on Tuesdays. He said it was difficult to see thinking, but thought it was a hairy house that buries bones in it's back garden. But he did'nt know what town it was in.

I told Bruce I thought only the hairy house would know where it lived, but only when it was thinking about itself.

We decided to both think together about thinking so we might hear it thinking, and find out where it was.

We thought we heard something, but thought we might have just thought it. Then we heard it again, but were'nt sure if it was a memory.


Lavender said...

Thinking about thinking should only be done by thinkers who have trained thier thoughts to hear themselves.
Therefore, thinking about thinking is actually hearing.
So maybe you should listen more?

Hi Brucie!

Anonymous said...

Don't strain too much Egghead!

ElizT said...

It seems that to think is to exercise the mind so you could try putting Bruce's mind on a lead.

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Lavender.. I can hear you and I'm thinking about it, but not sure if I just think you said that or you really did.

Bruce says.. "WHO SAID THAT!!??"

Anonymous.. don't forget to flap your wings with your mind!

ElizT.. his mind might take the lead and leave him behind and I would'nt know what to think!

Lapin Poulain said...


Anonymous said...

That toy has lots of stuffing, it's as thick as a brick!

ElizT said...

I can see that Bruce thinks on his feet; harder for you.

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Lapin Poulain.. HA!

Anonymous.. not like me and Bruce, we are intellectuals.

ElizT.. i think best in my deckchair. I am BoiledEggInADeckchair.

Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

I'm assuming it wasn't a Tuesday. Why didn't Bruce eat you? A handsome dog but obviously not very bright. "Intellectuals"...hahahhahaa!

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Bruce and I could think so much it would make your tea cup spin around, if we wanted to.

Anonymous said...

Thinking is overrated. But riding around in that dog's mouth might be fun!

Anonymous said...

Some people have no idea what goes on in the mind of an educated labrador! if you think I would even consider putting that overcooked fluff-top in my mouth you are sadly mistaken. Why he thinks he can stare me out I really can't imagine.
Nonetheless, I remain,
your faithful friend,

Anonymous said...


BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

cat.. only if in my deckchair.

bruce.. I know what you mean.

anonymous.. he thought he had'nt!

The OE said...

It's slobberin time. Put that in a teacup. Think about it.

This is not a Top Secret coded message.

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

I think you are right OE, in a teacup!

Anonymous said...

dog spit in a teacup.

mmmm yummmm.

Anonymous said...

If it's all the same to you people I think it's time for my walk. My brain has gone stale.
You are very thoughtful,