Friday, April 11, 2008

Know Mind

BoiledEggInADeckchair: Hello salt.


BoiledEggInADeckchair: I want you to know what I will say to you.


BoiledEggInADeckchair: I will say to you that I know what you know because I can read your mind.


BoiledEggInADeckchair: Oh yes I can.


BoiledEggInADeckchair: You're thinking you want me to know that I don't know what you know.


BoiledEggInADeckchair: I've already proved it.


BoiledEggInADeckchair: No I'm not delusional, you are.


BoiledEggInADeckchair: I already know what Richard Dawkins thinks.


BoiledEggInADeckchair: He wants me to know I'm not doing this and I want him to know he can get stuffed but he thought he said that when I did.


BoiledEggInADeckchair: Yes he did, he used all of his head.


BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Anonymous.. I know you're going to say this:

"I'm NO Spring Chicken! Hhehhehee"

Anonymous said...

I'm NO Spring Chicken! Hhehhehee

HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT BoiledEggInADeckchair!?!

Anonymous said...

Your Pico Award looks FANTASTIC Egghead! I forgot to mention "pico" means "Beak". So bite me! Oh you can't ... oops :)

Debra Kay said...

Ohhhhh, you're back! It's been ever so long and I've missed you. My house is now full of snakes and parrots and small dogs-I had to keep busy whilst awaiting your return.

The OE said...

The real question is to ask about the nipple on the salt

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Anonymous.. I read it on an email alert but the comment never made it to the blog. I can't bite much because my beak won't stay on.

Debra Kay.. my deckchair folded up and I could'nt get out of it. Thank you for knowing when I was back.

The OE.. I will see what my mind can do about that.

Anonymous said...

The pigeons look more famous than you today BoiledEggInADeckchair. Your new Header says so!

ElizT said...

You made that poor salt dissolve into tears.

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Anonymous.. they are cuckoos and say *cuckoo cuckoo* and watch people. I've put a sky on as well now.

ElizT.. I knew it was going to do that too ha haa!

Lapin Poulain said...

HEELLLOOOOO!!!! I've missed you but had so many Marvelous Adventures lately that I had no time to cry! :) Drink a carrot juice to you!!!! Tchintchin!
PS: Beware of Hellcats, even dead ones.... Especially dead ones!!!

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Hello too. I've been trapped in my deckchair and did'nt have a single adventure or a carrot juice.

Hellcat oh!

Anonymous said...

One should always have an Arch Nemesis, you look like a BoiledEggInADeckChair who looks like a likely candidate.

Now *strikes heroic slightly salty pose* stay out of my head or I shall be forced to smite you in a justice induced way.

Mademoiselle Princesse said...

Meoooooooowww! Gimme the salt!!! I need an apetizer!!!

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Captain Sodium Chloride.. I want you to know you can take your mind and blow it out your hole.

Madamoiselle Princess.. leave some for my fish and chips.

Anonymous said...

Are you just a wee bit jealous I have a hole in which to blow things out of.

It must be a lonely insular life inside a shell.

Anonymous said...

*CRUNCH*! Is that better?

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Captain Sodium Chloride.. I blow things out of my invisible hole *pfffft*

Anonymous.. thank you.

Ces Adorio said...

I thought Salt was going to sprinkle herself all over you and let one of those humans sitting in the sofa eat you!

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

I'm glad Salt did'nt think that or the humans either *phew*

kj said...

boiledigginadeckchair: i think you are wicked cool...


Anonymous said...

Boiledegginadeckchair I apologise. I think we just got off on the wrong foot, awwwwwwwww, you don't have any feet. You're only an egg... awwwwwwww. Must be hard on you. Keep your chin up, awwwwwwww, you don't have a chin...

See what I'm doing there? Taking smack! That's what I am doing there, awwwww. Poor Boiledegginadeckchair.

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

KJ.. I think you're pretty good too :)

Captain Sodium Chloride.. I've got a better deckchair than you'll ever have and you better see a drug counselor because you're chocka full of smack!

kj said...

(she says politely:)

more please....


Anonymous said...

I'M BACK Egghead!



BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

KJ.. you must wait until I know I have posted something I want you to know by posting it when I do.

Anonymous.. oh no.


Anonymous said...

Would you believe I was 'talking' smack...

Me neither...

Mmmm... I think I'll have an egg and bacon roll this morning. Maybe you should consider giving up the deck chair and using a roll lined with bacon and BBQ sauce instead. I would be muuuch more impressed is you were a NudeboiledEggwithBaconandBBQsauceinaRoll. Mmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Hhehheee, I remember Egghead taking his shell off at a Christmas party once... no, about half a dozen times! DO IT AGAIN GOOGIE!

Catnapping said...

Wouldn't you rather be pickled than ass-alted?

Debra Kay said...

MMMMM, salt. Hawaiian salt, sea salt.....lava salt.....but TABLE SALT? pfffffft.

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Captain Sodium Chloride.. my shell is attached in the North of England and I'm not made for eating!!

Anonymous.. I don't remember that, but I remember being blown out of my shell.

Catnapping.. yes.

Debra Kay.. *pffffft* to all salt.

Anonymous said...

If you *PFFFFT* more often, you could blow out of your shell again!

Anonymous said...

Well, then you're bound to turn rotten in the end!

And when you do *strikes heroic pose* I SHALL BE THERE TO STOP YOU!

Hopefully by then I'll have come up with some pithy comments to bandy about while we're locked in some type of desperate battle for humanities soul... you know like... 'Here's egg in your face' *KaPOW* but better, 'cause really, your 'face' is already entirely egg. So it doesn't make a whole lot of sense... but you know, give me some time and I'll come up with something.

UNTIL THEN, KEEP WATCH THE FRIES! You know, as in fried eggs... oh never mind...

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Anonymous.. *ppfffffftt*

Captain Sodium Chloride.. you'll have to say that again, I was asleep.

Anonymous said...

Well, then you're bound to turn rotten in the end!

And when you do *strikes heroic pose* I SHALL BE THERE TO STOP YOU!

Hopefully by then I'll have come up with some pithy comments to bandy about while we're locked in some type of desperate battle for humanities soul... you know like... 'Here's egg in your face' *KaPOW* but better, 'cause really, your 'face' is already entirely egg. So it doesn't make a whole lot of sense... but you know, give me some time and I'll come up with something.

UNTIL THEN, KEEP WATCH THE FRIES! You know, as in fried eggs... oh never mind...

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

*zzzz zz zzzz zz zzzzzzzzz zz zzzzz*

Oh it happened again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In the words of the every impressive and slightly nonsensical The Flea, 'SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!'

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...