Monday, July 23, 2007
Poem (iLlustratiOn fridaY)
I hate poems and I write them sometimes. This one I wrote whilst hating it..
"The Wind Hates My Umbrella And I Hate The Wind"
'You blow your bag of wind and air
At me through an invisible pip
My umbrella is now over there
Because you hate to see me with it.
I hate you wind
I hate you.
Get stuffed."
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Poetry puts the wind up you? Sad.
I'd like to see you try and stuff the wind BoiledEggInADeckchair!
Stuff with WHAT, Eggoooo? :)
That's right MerlinPrincesse! Egg goo! Hhhehhehheeee.
I'm laughing out loud! Mouaahahahhha! *laughing out loud*
I like it so much. Imagine a boiled egg telling off the wind - I like that.
ElizT.. when it gets my umbrella I hate the wind and poetry all the time I hate but not as much.
Anon.. I've seen Detlef stuff a turkey with his head before, it must be similar.
MertyPimpleSpats.. I might stuff the wind with itself.
Anon.. who are you calling MerlinPrincesse?
Ces.. the wind will never control me!
Boiled Egg's Revenge?
Some of the worst wind I've ever smelled was that stuff that came out of my dog after he ate boiled eggs!
I've since gained a great respect for your Boiled Eggnipotence.
Thank you for respecting my Eggnipotence and telling me that you do, now you know that I know you know I know. I keep it in a pip.
Where's your teapoop power now?
You must cut down on those exploding cigars.
Is this really about Anon? You can admit it...I won't tell.
Get STUFFED Lunatica!
Lunatica.. they are very the same and connected by wind.
Anonymous.. I'm not Lunatica!!
I'm not Lunatica either, but I'd like to be.
Where are all your photos, Egg? Did you zap them into orbit when the teapot blew up in your face?
btw: I'm giving you an award..hehhehee...gotta come get it...when I get it posted.
I have posted the best photos seeing as you asked.
I will do that when I decide to and not because you're trying to control me.
I DO control you. I have the teacup!!!
My teapot will be strong and lift up your teacup and throw it out the window, when the time is right.
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