Saturday, August 11, 2007


I don't fly any more because the last time I did the stewardess said to me..
"I can make your seat higher." But I thought she said "I have started a fire."
"OH NO!!" I replied.
I decided the best thing to do was open the door and fly away, so I did.

I could only fly downwards and I crashed through the roof of the Accident & Emergency Egg Hospital, which was lucky except my deckchair was bent.


ElizT said...

Your eggs-rays would be interesting to see.

Anonymous said...

I must have been sucked out of the plane with you EggHead, I'm seeing all blurry ...

The Unknown said...

I thought my eye was a soft boiled egg and I ate it.

Anonymous said...

Plane leaping is more common that we realize. But not all eggs are as fortunate as you. Sometimes flying eggs meet a fate worse than death.

Lavender said...

Oh No!! How long did it take to get your deckchair repaired?

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

ElizT.. it's eggsceptional the egg doctor said.

Anonymous.. it's like flying in the wrong direction!

The Unknown.. that's because it looks like a soft boiled egg.

Eggzactly.. no, it looks eggzactly like heaven!

Lavender.. it became mended after it was bended when the treatment ended.

Anonymous said...

ooooh! i think i will like heaven! i hope they have relish and mustard.

and allow me this moment to apologize for misspelling my name.


merlinprincesse said...

Poor little chair... *snif* :`o(

Anonymous said...

I was flying backwards too!

The OE said...

Next time I freelance from my job protecting National security and need an egg operative I'll be in touch.

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

MertyPieShop.. the deckchair is mighty don't worry.

Anonymous.. watch out for the window!

The OE.. I will take Teapot Me with me.