Saturday, June 16, 2007


"Hello," said a voice as I looked in the teapot, and the voice continued "I have travelled to you from a parallel teapot universe with a message."
"You're Teapot Me with a message," I said.
"I know and I want you to know what the message is, the message is this, this is the message, this message is this, I've forgotten what the message is, the message is I've forgotten it. Now I must leave you."

It was a lot to remember but I did my best and it's helped me ever since.


merlinprincesse said...

OOOHHHH! Parallel universes are ..mmmmm.... mmmmm. I forgot!

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

...mmm... mmmm... messages!

merlinprincesse said...


Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

The message is: You have dung for brains.

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

Merfyplumbers.. mashed potato.

Perriette.. *THROW BRAINS*

Anonymous said...

Help me to forget!

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair said...

You need to go to The Teapot Universe to do that.

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